Tag Archive for 'music'


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There I was in the kitchen, making myself some coffee to perk me up a bit when the following lyrics came out of my mouth. You raise my hopes, then you raise the odds. You tell me that I dream to much …from a The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove on Into the Labyrinth by Dead Can […]

a thank you list to today

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. : happy heart, thankful being : . …stepping onto a new branch of my path that has served to open my heart and ground me into this body, all while being my “job” as Chiropractic Assitant to Dr. Melanie Hernand (aka Dr. Mel) at SoulWorks. I love Network Spinal Analysis – it changed my […]

harmonize with actuality

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Found myself wondering, anxiously, why I’m feeling a little melancholy this afternoon. I noticed two strangers in front of me. Two seats in front of me, a man was on an expensive “smart phone” with an “if found…” note hand written on a piece of medical tape stuck to the back. He was agitatedly twisting […]

Sometimes a song comes on just to break my heart, again.

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Listening to Dead Can Dance’s album Into the Labyrinth makes me, an atheist, feel as if inside a temple where I am filled with a potent, un-nameable, un-categorical mystical energy. Their song “The Carnival is Over” is particularly mesmerizing for my spirit. Here are the lyrics: Outside The storm clouds gathering Move silently along the […]

the music that woke me up

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When I was a kid my bedroom was just off of the living room at the front of an old stone Victorian apartment house in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I had two walls of windows and at the foot of my bed was a glass door with a sheer curtain, as if my room had […]

Rock Steady


Shannon has a little medley he likes to sing every once in a while.It goes like this:“Solid. Solid as a rock, steady, steady rockin’ all night long.” I can’t remember why it came up tonight but we realized it’s a medley of two songs from the 80s that use “rock” in the chorus so off […]

Training Trouble

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I know, I know – I haven’t posted much about my training lately.The fact is, I’ve been having some trouble. My left leg was really bothering me for a few weeks and I couldn’t go very far. And the weather decided to be worst on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – repeatedly.And I don’t like using […]

words and notes by friends – together for 60 minutes

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hear Obvious World and me read some poems that are backed up by Joel Garnier’s musical stylings here. The song should start right away. I wrote these poems when I was in college and recorded myself reading them a couple of months ago. Obvious always seems to be writing poems and he recorded his readings […]

reflecting on the changes of the last decade and a half

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15 years ago compared to now .:my mom keeps telling her friends that they can’t trust me anymore and then she giggles. fun little jokester former hippy mom. i don’t think she trusted me much when I was 15..:i still like birthday cake AND cookies on my birthday..:shiny red flats and a black and white […]

music makes me feel better

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1a. grumplesaurus all day (gawd I can’t wait to be done with this job – only 20 more working days…) decided to take a very small check to the bank just to get out of this office.couldn’t resist the mega media store “sale” on “80s” stuff I walked out with a flatter wallet and three […]