Tag Archive for 'recipe'

Peanut Butter Surprises

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This is one of my favorite cookies to eat. I used to make them with “standard” mini peanut butter cups and loved them that way. When I discovered Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups I realized that they were heading to The Next Level. Preheat oven to 375° Cream together until well blended: (If […]

Anna & Addy’s Solstice Persimmon Pudding

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I had a wonderful Solstice morning with my sweet, wonderful friend Anna. After she facilitated the most amazing NSA (chiropractic) entrainment I’ve had in a LOONG time, we were having tea and I noticed a persimmon in her fruit bowl that needed to be used so I did a little interwebs sleuthing and discovered a […]

Alfredo and the best corn muffins ever

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I’ve been a fan of corn bread and corn muffins since I can remember.So, when I saw this post by Shanny’s sister, Rena: http://sandwicharchitecture.wordpress.com I decided to try it.Ever the fiddler, here’s how I changed it. Rena’s Corn MuffinsSlightly adapted(I copied and pasted her recipe and directions and edited where I changed it) Ingredients * […]