Tag Archive for 'review'

nopa experience

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I’ve always thought about writing detailed restaurant reviews here at crimsonic but always just defaulted to yelp due to its ease of use and ubiquity. however, i had such a great experience at nopa last night, that i decided to pop my proverbial restaurant review cherry here. for months now i’ve been seeing my friend […]

JOB: A comedy of Justice

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Robert A. Heinlein wrote a novel with that name in the 80’s and I just finished reading it in oh seven and it was amazing. So much of it fit right in with today’s perspective, as most of Heinlein’s books (that I’ve read) do. There was a section in the middle, near the beginning of […]

Confessions – my humble review

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I just got back from Madonna’s Confessions concert and I’m very pleased.She didn’t open with a reading of her confessions like on her website, as I was hoping, maybe just because of how she opened Reinvenion, but she appeared from within a giant disco ball that descended from the ceiling – most likely, she was […]