Archive for the 'macro' Category


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We are very serious. I love that I can chat with my lovely twin-flame, mon amie soeur, Shivala. Talking with her is very heartening. We come from the same part of the galaxy that is not this one. I’ve gotten to video skype – something I NEVER do – with her twice in the last […]

Aperture of the Soul

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Comments on my previous post inspired me to feel a little deeper into certain aspects of life and how change comes about, whether we want it or not. I mentioned to Jim that there must exist “an aperture of the soul” that we can adjust when a new focus is needed. This made me think […]

Unresolved In Your Heart


I’ve been feeling a little off lately and think it’s because I’m having some trouble with my wrists which is making me both nervous about working as well as less inclined to get exercise. I decided to go to yogatothepeople today for a yoga class (gotta run – it’s in 30 min) and on their […]

harmonize with actuality

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Found myself wondering, anxiously, why I’m feeling a little melancholy this afternoon. I noticed two strangers in front of me. Two seats in front of me, a man was on an expensive “smart phone” with an “if found…” note hand written on a piece of medical tape stuck to the back. He was agitatedly twisting […]

Summer flavor

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I just made the below image my phone wallpaper & am caught up in the viscerality of my sense memory of summers past. Summer has always been my favorite season. My birthday is in the beginning of June and always brings with it the feeling of fresh, bright, fun times. It’s the start of summer […]

Happy Friday the 13th!

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I was diggin this new theme and then realized that it’s perfect to roll out today – Friday the 13th. I’ve got to work out some sidebar issues (hello, labels?) but I dig the colors and the rest of the design elements. This is awesome because I can spend a long time customizing colors if […]


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The word of the day is try. Because of KindaCarsick I’m going to try to post more media to this place here. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 2/28/10 UPDATE: Looks like the woman behind that site closed it down. She WAS in grad school… I will miss her contributions (even if it might have […]

all i need is what i had

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it’s as if last november were still hereon the way to the cove of memoryto process a finished loveand feed the intertidal life air: merely coldlight: x-rays into my longingness then the tears came with no controlthe tears now are less tho sourced similarly then: survival modeinnards exposed without interpretation or understanding now:the girl with […]