Archive for the 'happenings' Category

Happy Friday the 13th!

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I was diggin this new theme and then realized that it’s perfect to roll out today – Friday the 13th. I’ve got to work out some sidebar issues (hello, labels?) but I dig the colors and the rest of the design elements. This is awesome because I can spend a long time customizing colors if […]

nopa experience

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I’ve always thought about writing detailed restaurant reviews here at crimsonic but always just defaulted to yelp due to its ease of use and ubiquity. however, i had such a great experience at nopa last night, that i decided to pop my proverbial restaurant review cherry here. for months now i’ve been seeing my friend […]

PRIDE weekend!

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This is the first time in my almost 8 years living in the Bay Area that I celebrated Pride weekend ALL WEEKEND! SATURDAY My friends Jim and Kiki live in a great apartment that overlooks the Dyke March‘s route so they open their doors to us almost every year so we can watch/participate. The Dyke […]

The good and the frustrating


I did a little “cross training” today. It’s supposed to be the last rest day in a rest week so I shouldn’t be doing any training but I was late for the train so I started jogging. I missed it so I went to the store for some water since the Saturday Caltrain schedule gave […]

Strawberry fields…

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…for MILES! For Shannon’s birthday last week, we went to Santa Cruz to see his step mom and go for a long training ride thru a new area.We decided we’d go thru Watsonville and discovered that our route took us straight thru the ripe strawberry fields. OMG – YUM! It smelled amazing. We took a […]

Training Trouble

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I know, I know – I haven’t posted much about my training lately.The fact is, I’ve been having some trouble. My left leg was really bothering me for a few weeks and I couldn’t go very far. And the weather decided to be worst on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – repeatedly.And I don’t like using […]

SFMoMA, free first tuesday, April 09

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Went to the SFMoMA free first tuesday yesterday for a quick visit from 4 to 5:45. Was pretty unimpressed until we got to the SECA Art Awards Exhibit and the Face of Our Time | Four Shows exhibits.The former is up until May 10th, the latter, April 26th. Go see them.Here are some samples (it’s […]

The rain rain went away!

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Since November, I’ve been in massage school. I changed my work schedule so that I can go to class from 2pm – 9:30pm on Tuesdays. This was the first Tuesday when I didn’t have to take the classes offered and it was PERFECT biking weather. We woke up around 10 and said “let’s bike to […]

The path of the comeback

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Justin called us up this afternoon to see if Shannon could help him with a bike issue. We took it as instigation to go on our first ride with more of our team.After Shannon fixed his bike (just some tightening and adjusting) Justin joined us for a ride out to Ocean Beach.It was a gorgeous, […]

Follow the Golden Gate Bridge..?

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…follow the Golden Gate Bridge!(imagine that said like the very beginning of “follow the yellow brick road” in The Wizard of Oz)That’s exactly what I did on Monday – I followed the Golden Gate Bridge all the way to Fairfax.After the best coffee ever (not just because I was chilly but because it was really […]