Archive for the 'Project 40' Category

Well, that didn’t go quite as planned…

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…but I definitely feel on the other side of something – be it 40 days of detailed focus and documentation or allowing oneself to float a bit more. I did the latter after starting on the former and after reading my last Project 40 post, I’m really excited about my current perspective.

Project 40.02.03

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Confession: I disguise lack of discipline as following my heart. I’m still not sure when one is not the other. Oracle: OWL I found an owl feather today. Body: Rode up Webster on the bicycle & noticed fatigue in my glutes. Did not stretch. Ate ice cream & pie. I feel itchy, bloated & uncomfortable. […]

Project 40.02.01

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In my last post I said I’d do something creative every day, for 40 days, in an effort to move into a bigger space as a creative person. I wrote this little “haiku” to the moon: Oh blackest black moon renew me with your empty and lets start anew And now, onto the 7 Elements: […]

Project 40.02.00

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It’s a new moon and I’m ready to do Project 40 again. My boss posted this essay about Self Worth and then Sherene emailed about her 13th incarnation of Project 40 and I realized I was a little trepidatious about doing it again. I saw that the moon was at exactly 0% – completely new […]

Project 40.01.39

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I got back from my off-line, off-the-grid vacation over a week ago and, at first, was just enjoying having as little to do as possible. Then, I didn’t post here because I had more to do than I was comfortable with. Now, I’m feeling overwhelmed and depressed and am posting here after midnight on the […]

Project 40.01.22

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This amazing image (best viewed large – click it) by Kirsty Mitchell from her Wonderland series is a great depiction of what I’ll be doing for the next week. Reading books and enjoying nature. I won’t be entering my Project 40.01 notes until I get back – and then I might just pick up where […]

Project 40.01.21

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Thanks tfisherart for the image. I love how the brushstrokes have depth. Origins of this project can be read here. Confession: I’m okay with rule breaking as long as you don’t hinder my ability to do what I need to do. I will break rules but only if it’s safe and non- disruptive to do […]

Project 40.01.20

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It’s the halfway point… Origins of this project can be read here. Confession: I’m a little bored with this process. Oracle: Realizing this is the halfway point led me to this thoughtful post on a blog with the same name. There’s more there for me, but not right now. Body: Upped the detox steps from […]

Project 40.01.19

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Sometimes I do the photo here first, sometimes last. Tonight, it was last. After writing everything below, I searched images for “blah, blah, blah.” Mel Bochner’s painting of the same name came up. A few clicks thru, and I found the middle piece. These five images together resonate with what my mind chatter is like […]

Project 40.01.18

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I bought two and got these free! I love inexpensive but good quality sunglasses. Origins of this project can be read here. Confession: I have very little patience for mediocre service at any place that offers customer service. Oh. I’ve mentioned that before. I guess it’s not much of a confession anymore. Oh, I know, […]