Archive for the 'food' Category

Peanut Butter Surprises

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This is one of my favorite cookies to eat. I used to make them with “standard” mini peanut butter cups and loved them that way. When I discovered Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups I realized that they were heading to The Next Level. Preheat oven to 375° Cream together until well blended: (If […]

Anna & Addy’s Solstice Persimmon Pudding

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I had a wonderful Solstice morning with my sweet, wonderful friend Anna. After she facilitated the most amazing NSA (chiropractic) entrainment I’ve had in a LOONG time, we were having tea and I noticed a persimmon in her fruit bowl that needed to be used so I did a little interwebs sleuthing and discovered a […]

Pear upside-down cake


I think I perfected the recipe… Grilled pears Nutmeg caramel Organic pistachios

5yr surprise


For our first anniversary, I told Shannon we were going away for the weekend, that I wasn’t telling him where, that I’m covering our lodging & he can cover food. He drove & I told him where to turn & when not to look at the signs. Since he’d never been to Pt Reyes, he […]

Alfredo and the best corn muffins ever

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I’ve been a fan of corn bread and corn muffins since I can remember.So, when I saw this post by Shanny’s sister, Rena: I decided to try it.Ever the fiddler, here’s how I changed it. Rena’s Corn MuffinsSlightly adapted(I copied and pasted her recipe and directions and edited where I changed it) Ingredients * […]

nopa experience

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I’ve always thought about writing detailed restaurant reviews here at crimsonic but always just defaulted to yelp due to its ease of use and ubiquity. however, i had such a great experience at nopa last night, that i decided to pop my proverbial restaurant review cherry here. for months now i’ve been seeing my friend […]

I’m actually not counting how many days we’re here…

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…and it’s wonderful. We were awakened at 10am to get ready for the day. Markus showed us an English blog review (sorry no link right now) of the resaurant in Malaga that we were being surprised with. Hundreds of Spaniards all sit under an awning while watiers walk around shouting out what they’re carrying. We […]

Dia Tres a Espana – the market and paella

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A fun part of this trip has been learning and practicing speaking both Spanish and German. Our hosts are German and Marie and her family have been coming to this home since she can remember so she’s got a bit of Spanish but mostly speaks German with Markus and English with us. Shannon lived in […]

Dia Dos a Espana – la playa

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To help us cure our collective hangover, we went to the beach. The beaches here have umbrellas and lounge chairs for rent and the one that M & M like has a bar/restaurant right on the sand. It was sunny but very windy that day so we opted to sit on the slightly covered porch […]

Arrival a Espana

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After twenty hours of travelling, we are greeted by Markus at the gate in Malaga, Spain with a “Finally you’re here!”. It was sweet to watch how happy Shannon was to see his best friend after two years apart. I was expecting to have to go thru customs but now that Europe is a big […]