Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

Summer flavor

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I just made the below image my phone wallpaper & am caught up in the viscerality of my sense memory of summers past. Summer has always been my favorite season. My birthday is in the beginning of June and always brings with it the feeling of fresh, bright, fun times. It’s the start of summer […]

Sometimes a song comes on just to break my heart, again.

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Listening to Dead Can Dance’s album Into the Labyrinth makes me, an atheist, feel as if inside a temple where I am filled with a potent, un-nameable, un-categorical mystical energy. Their song “The Carnival is Over” is particularly mesmerizing for my spirit. Here are the lyrics: Outside The storm clouds gathering Move silently along the […]

the music that woke me up

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When I was a kid my bedroom was just off of the living room at the front of an old stone Victorian apartment house in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I had two walls of windows and at the foot of my bed was a glass door with a sheer curtain, as if my room had […]

Rock Steady


Shannon has a little medley he likes to sing every once in a while.It goes like this:“Solid. Solid as a rock, steady, steady rockin’ all night long.” I can’t remember why it came up tonight but we realized it’s a medley of two songs from the 80s that use “rock” in the chorus so off […]


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last night, I was honored enough to have a few tastes of a madeira made in 1910. it was the first, and, I pray, not the last, time i’ve ever ingested anything almost a century old and i could taste the history. it was smooth and wonderful and perfect, in every way. now i want […]

reflecting on the changes of the last decade and a half

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15 years ago compared to now .:my mom keeps telling her friends that they can’t trust me anymore and then she giggles. fun little jokester former hippy mom. i don’t think she trusted me much when I was 15..:i still like birthday cake AND cookies on my birthday..:shiny red flats and a black and white […]

idol, i guess

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when I was little and scaredmy dad encouraged me to listen toand emulateMadonna I didand already had been I cried the first time I saw her in concertI meanI was in the same freaking room with herit was overwhelming and kinda silly now even when I hear her song jump or how high(new ones that […]

concerning lately

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shade covered tea timejasmine and rosewarming my tonguesweetening my dayfilling my belly a simple appreciation for lifejust the way it is * losing friendsmaking new onessimultaneously opposing feelingstho one hurts more than one feels good essentially, the game is to simply let the felt experience happen * entering a new sphere of influenceshedding that which […]

music makes me feel better

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1a. grumplesaurus all day (gawd I can’t wait to be done with this job – only 20 more working days…) decided to take a very small check to the bank just to get out of this office.couldn’t resist the mega media store “sale” on “80s” stuff I walked out with a flatter wallet and three […]

longing for Long – pt.2

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I was born in Portland, the town this island used to be a part of (until they seceded on July 1, 1995 – which makes the week of the 4th of July every year since, a bit hazy for most residents). My parents broke up after three years of my life and my mom took […]