Tag Archive for 'sigh'

Project 40.01.19

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Sometimes I do the photo here first, sometimes last. Tonight, it was last. After writing everything below, I searched images for “blah, blah, blah.” Mel Bochner’s painting of the same name came up. A few clicks thru, and I found the middle piece. These five images together resonate with what my mind chatter is like […]

Little Birchy

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I recently started a paper journal to document my job search process. I misplaced it. It is thoroughly frustrating for me to have lost this item. However, I will not use this forum to extol the virtues of digital anything. I’ve lost blog posts, word processed documents and digital photos almost at the same rate […]

Dream Journal – Entry 01 [dreaming is such a tease]

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I’ve had some seriously deranged dreams lately. I even had “the strangest dream I’ve ever had” – which is pretty monumental considering I’ve had many, many strange dreams. One of my favorite of the recent dream selections involved someone who has written me off in waking reality, communicating to me in pictograms that she’s warming […]