Tag Archive for 'poem'


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did you know that masticating thoroughly is the key to proper absorption of that which is chewed? while I sit here I chew on what you said that last time we spoke in words concurrently I masticate a delicious salad made of only things good for me now that I’ve chewed it completely I’d say […]


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I’ve hidden in bathrooms before Hoping for the immenent to pass Knowing that now had to be made First

Unresolved In Your Heart


I’ve been feeling a little off lately and think it’s because I’m having some trouble with my wrists which is making me both nervous about working as well as less inclined to get exercise. I decided to go to yogatothepeople today for a yoga class (gotta run – it’s in 30 min) and on their […]

what if

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if i wear flowers and vanillaand see your skin in my milky tea if i paint my nails the way you wouldand wear my clothes as if they are yours if i dream of you when out of bodyand spend waking hours longing for those dreams if i share your soulwith the rest of the […]

words and notes by friends – together for 60 minutes

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hear Obvious World and me read some poems that are backed up by Joel Garnier’s musical stylings here. The song should start right away. I wrote these poems when I was in college and recorded myself reading them a couple of months ago. Obvious always seems to be writing poems and he recorded his readings […]


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last night I dreamed of blood it was deep and dark and I was in it there was a black haired maiden at my feet urging me to tear myself open even more

while you were away

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wanting to write a poem to encompass the depth and breadth of emotions i’ve been feeling lately, yet feeling trite, saccharine and obvious, i chose to read instead. i happened upon this poem in the May 2007 issue of The Sun that somehow helped me feel slightly less singular. while you were awayby Richard Newman […]

concerning lately

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shade covered tea timejasmine and rosewarming my tonguesweetening my dayfilling my belly a simple appreciation for lifejust the way it is * losing friendsmaking new onessimultaneously opposing feelingstho one hurts more than one feels good essentially, the game is to simply let the felt experience happen * entering a new sphere of influenceshedding that which […]

overwhelmed by isness (a process documentation)

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incarnation is hardworking out this whole “human” thingis labyrinthine i’ve been told that i’m no good at killing the minotaur(or the medusaor however the myth goes) but I’m still in the middle of the battleand the battle is evermore.or, at least, until I get over the drama of the body… [insert angels laughing riotouslyknowinglylovinglydripping their […]

tear it out and throw it onstage for all to see

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step right up folks, here it is, the only heart in the world that’s inside out.yes yes, look right there, it’s hollow under all of that fire and the blood flows on the outside. legend states that every so often, a strong fire builds inside that hollow and clears out all of the blues that […]