Tag Archive for 'AIDSLifecycle8'

ALC8 wrap up….finally


AIDS/Lifecycle 8 was a mixed bag for me starting with fundraising finishing with the ride itself. – I wanted to raise $5k and made it as far as $3600, which is awesome, just not what I was aiming for. – I had physical challenges that kept me off of the bike for about 160 of […]

Cycling Buddies

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These are my teammates. My coach, riding buddy, partner and best friend, Shanny Bannanny Sis Boom Bammy aka Shannon Shalako. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t feel as prepared as I do for this crazy seven day ride from SF to LA! realistic energy chew, no? Justine Bateman Veber, Jetson, Juicy, or Justin Case, […]

Almost a century

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On Monday, May 4th, Shannon and I had biking fittings with the awesome Lorri Lee Lown, of Velogirls – Northern California’s largest women’s cycling club. Shannon discovered her on the ALC8 discussion forum when she responded to his post regarding his saddle. He told me about her because he knew that I needed a proper […]

Strawberry fields…

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…for MILES! For Shannon’s birthday last week, we went to Santa Cruz to see his step mom and go for a long training ride thru a new area.We decided we’d go thru Watsonville and discovered that our route took us straight thru the ripe strawberry fields. OMG – YUM! It smelled amazing. We took a […]

Training Trouble

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I know, I know – I haven’t posted much about my training lately.The fact is, I’ve been having some trouble. My left leg was really bothering me for a few weeks and I couldn’t go very far. And the weather decided to be worst on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – repeatedly.And I don’t like using […]

The rain rain went away!

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Since November, I’ve been in massage school. I changed my work schedule so that I can go to class from 2pm – 9:30pm on Tuesdays. This was the first Tuesday when I didn’t have to take the classes offered and it was PERFECT biking weather. We woke up around 10 and said “let’s bike to […]

The path of the comeback

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Justin called us up this afternoon to see if Shannon could help him with a bike issue. We took it as instigation to go on our first ride with more of our team.After Shannon fixed his bike (just some tightening and adjusting) Justin joined us for a ride out to Ocean Beach.It was a gorgeous, […]

Follow the Golden Gate Bridge..?

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…follow the Golden Gate Bridge!(imagine that said like the very beginning of “follow the yellow brick road” in The Wizard of Oz)That’s exactly what I did on Monday – I followed the Golden Gate Bridge all the way to Fairfax.After the best coffee ever (not just because I was chilly but because it was really […]

New Bike – OMG!

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My honey got a package delivered today and it was a new bike for me!! OMG!It’s beautiful – and just the female geometry I needed!He was supposed to get me an older version but he splurged and got me the 2008 Specialized Dolce Elite in white with pink accents. She rides like a dream and […]

We did it! Thank you!

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I’d like to thank all of you who donated before December 1, 2008 for helping me raise over $1,000! Benchmark #1 has been reached! More than 1/3 of my required minimum and 21% of my personal goal of $5k! I’m so touched by your support!I said I’d give the incentive prize to whomever helped the […]