Archive for the 'creativity' Category

Well, that didn’t go quite as planned…

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…but I definitely feel on the other side of something – be it 40 days of detailed focus and documentation or allowing oneself to float a bit more. I did the latter after starting on the former and after reading my last Project 40 post, I’m really excited about my current perspective.

Project 40.01.01

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For this first Project 40, I’m offering my anxiety to the Universe. It comes in many forms and I’m going to work with it everywhere I find it. Confession: Every time I get on the phone with a customer service agent, I try to remember that they are people too but it goes right out […]

Project 40.01.00


A few years ago, I met a couple of soul-sister Amma devotees. It was thru twitter, and somehow I almost lent Katelan Foisey, via her FedEx account, a pair of red, high heeled cowgirl boots, but mostly I read her blogs. She shared some of Sherene Vismaya Schostak‘s posts and I started following her too. […]

Dream Journal – Entry 13

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While I was actually sleeping in, I dreamed I was in some kind of family country house, sleeping in, feeling sexy, in a comfy bed in a bright room. I was awoken in the dream by some friends/family going to the porch that was next to my room. It was a happy awakening – they […]

Art to be made: Pink Diorama

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There is a pink wooden diorama in my torso & its pointy edges hurt my guts. It’s time to extricate this piece & show it off.


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I’ve hidden in bathrooms before Hoping for the immenent to pass Knowing that now had to be made First

Aperture of the Soul

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Comments on my previous post inspired me to feel a little deeper into certain aspects of life and how change comes about, whether we want it or not. I mentioned to Jim that there must exist “an aperture of the soul” that we can adjust when a new focus is needed. This made me think […]

Alfredo and the best corn muffins ever

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I’ve been a fan of corn bread and corn muffins since I can remember.So, when I saw this post by Shanny’s sister, Rena: I decided to try it.Ever the fiddler, here’s how I changed it. Rena’s Corn MuffinsSlightly adapted(I copied and pasted her recipe and directions and edited where I changed it) Ingredients * […]

SFMoMA, free first tuesday, April 09

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Went to the SFMoMA free first tuesday yesterday for a quick visit from 4 to 5:45. Was pretty unimpressed until we got to the SECA Art Awards Exhibit and the Face of Our Time | Four Shows exhibits.The former is up until May 10th, the latter, April 26th. Go see them.Here are some samples (it’s […]

self portrait challenge – food.02


My second “food” entry for SPC. On Sunday, we went to Baker BeachView Larger Map and grumbled at the Blue Angels flexing their military muscle all over our supposed-to-be quiet day. Eventually, they landed and we were able to take a nap that left us hungry.Hungry and near Clement Street(which might as well be China […]