Tag Archive for 'growth'

Project 40.01.11

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Thanks to this site for the amazing photo. Origins of this project can be read here. Confession: At the beginning of Day 11, as I was falling asleep (my days go from 10:30pm-10:30pm because I like to write at night and start my days with rest), I had a realization of something someone else needs […]

Project 40.01.01

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For this first Project 40, I’m offering my anxiety to the Universe. It comes in many forms and I’m going to work with it everywhere I find it. Confession: Every time I get on the phone with a customer service agent, I try to remember that they are people too but it goes right out […]

Project 40.01.00


A few years ago, I met a couple of soul-sister Amma devotees. It was thru twitter, and somehow I almost lent Katelan Foisey, via her FedEx account, a pair of red, high heeled cowgirl boots, but mostly I read her blogs. She shared some of Sherene Vismaya Schostak‘s posts and I started following her too. […]

Dream Journal – Entry 13

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While I was actually sleeping in, I dreamed I was in some kind of family country house, sleeping in, feeling sexy, in a comfy bed in a bright room. I was awoken in the dream by some friends/family going to the porch that was next to my room. It was a happy awakening – they […]


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There I was in the kitchen, making myself some coffee to perk me up a bit when the following lyrics came out of my mouth. You raise my hopes, then you raise the odds. You tell me that I dream to much …from a The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove on Into the Labyrinth by Dead Can […]

Dream Journal – Entry 10

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Nolita was on the cover of a DVD of Ecstatic Dance – it was moving like the newspapers in Harry Potter. Then I was digging my hands thru a container of shapes, about the size of making a circle with your forefinger & thumb. They were called merkabas and the one that stood out to […]

Dream Journal – Entry 09


I was in a large, elegant house. The bedroom was tan & plum colored. It wasn’t my house but I felt at home there. There was a drama about a thief and some quarters that only related to me slightly. The best part was right before I woke up; I passed by a bread case […]

Aperture of the Soul

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Comments on my previous post inspired me to feel a little deeper into certain aspects of life and how change comes about, whether we want it or not. I mentioned to Jim that there must exist “an aperture of the soul” that we can adjust when a new focus is needed. This made me think […]