Archive Page 6

Unresolved In Your Heart


I’ve been feeling a little off lately and think it’s because I’m having some trouble with my wrists which is making me both nervous about working as well as less inclined to get exercise. I decided to go to yogatothepeople today for a yoga class (gotta run – it’s in 30 min) and on their […]

harmonize with actuality

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Found myself wondering, anxiously, why I’m feeling a little melancholy this afternoon. I noticed two strangers in front of me. Two seats in front of me, a man was on an expensive “smart phone” with an “if found…” note hand written on a piece of medical tape stuck to the back. He was agitatedly twisting […]

Pear upside-down cake


I think I perfected the recipe… Grilled pears Nutmeg caramel Organic pistachios

Summer flavor

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I just made the below image my phone wallpaper & am caught up in the viscerality of my sense memory of summers past. Summer has always been my favorite season. My birthday is in the beginning of June and always brings with it the feeling of fresh, bright, fun times. It’s the start of summer […]

Dream Journal – Entry 07

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The other day I woke up to a dream where a group of friends and I were flying around without assistance. It was natural to us but also fun and exciting. We were practicing our techniques and it felt super realistic ie angling forward or backward, moving the arms to turn, etc. When we landed, […]


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Things I remember about being in court: wood being a small child having a chaperone peanut butter cup anxiety small voice confusion sunlight Mrs. Naylor mustard yellow jacket brown pants a $20 bill brown leather wingtips feeling the pain (on my behalf) in everyone’s heart (even the judge) witnessing myself from outside of myself

5yr surprise


For our first anniversary, I told Shannon we were going away for the weekend, that I wasn’t telling him where, that I’m covering our lodging & he can cover food. He drove & I told him where to turn & when not to look at the signs. Since he’d never been to Pt Reyes, he […]

Sometimes a song comes on just to break my heart, again.

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Listening to Dead Can Dance’s album Into the Labyrinth makes me, an atheist, feel as if inside a temple where I am filled with a potent, un-nameable, un-categorical mystical energy. Their song “The Carnival is Over” is particularly mesmerizing for my spirit. Here are the lyrics: Outside The storm clouds gathering Move silently along the […]

the music that woke me up

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When I was a kid my bedroom was just off of the living room at the front of an old stone Victorian apartment house in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I had two walls of windows and at the foot of my bed was a glass door with a sheer curtain, as if my room had […]

Happy Friday the 13th!

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I was diggin this new theme and then realized that it’s perfect to roll out today – Friday the 13th. I’ve got to work out some sidebar issues (hello, labels?) but I dig the colors and the rest of the design elements. This is awesome because I can spend a long time customizing colors if […]