Unresolved In Your Heart
I’ve been feeling a little off lately and think it’s because I’m having some trouble with my wrists which is making me both nervous about working as well as less inclined to get exercise. I decided to go to yogatothepeople today for a yoga class (gotta run – it’s in 30 min) and on their website, came across this poem that spoke to me and only me (it felt).
from “Letters to a Young Poet”
by Rainer Maria RilkeI want to beg of you much as I can to be patient
toward all that’s unsolved in your heart,
and learn to love the questions themselves,
like locked rooms, or like books that are
written in a very foreign tongue.Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given you,
because you would not be able to live them,
and the point is to live everything.Live the question now,
perhaps you will then, gradually, without noticing it,
live along some distant day into the answer.
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I think we all need to remember this. In a sentence ‘be kind to yourself’ I for one, know that I am hardest on myself and never give myself a break – not without guilt anyway. So thanks for sharing what you thought was only for you….
Yeah, I figured I wasn’t the only one. It was just so perfect at just the right time for me.
I love you!
I got injured a couple of years ago and it altered my creativity and life. I just realized that i just needed to change my focus. Its the same me and the same vision just a slightly different filter if you know what I mean.
It can be hard to change focus in our lives when things were working well and we are forced to do things differently. There must be something that can be changed, an aperture of the soul that can be adjusted so as to continue to focus – in many cases, the new creativity is more complex and satisfying than what was there before the forced change.
We are such creatures of habit that sometimes that soul aperture must be adjusted for us.
Just wow. I really needed to hear both your post and the comments right now! thank you, all of you. <3