Add a comment November 26th, 2008 by adriene
I’d like to thank all of you who donated before December 1, 2008 for helping me raise over $1,000! Benchmark #1 has been reached! More than 1/3 of my required minimum and 21% of my personal goal of $5k! I’m so touched by your support!I said I’d give the incentive prize to whomever helped the […]
Add a comment November 21st, 2008 by adriene
On Sunday, Shannon took me on the Paradise Loop in Marin. We rode from the Mission all the way thru Tiburon, around the Paradise Loop and then had Indian food in Sausalito and took the ferry home.This is the first ride that I’ve felt in my legs a few days after. Seems I’ve found my […]
Add a comment November 7th, 2008 by adriene
I woke up on Thursday morning seeing the beautiful sunshine, knowing that I didn’t need to be at work until noon and I said to Shannon “wanna ride to burlingame with me today?”He was very excited and immediately got to cookin’ up his special steel cut oats with peanut butter – really sticks to the […]